WEMOS LOLIN32 ESP32 Lite pinout example for CJMCU-811

Low cost ESP32 development board such as WEMOS ESP32 LOLIN32 Lite paired with a CO2 / VOC sensor CJMCU-811. The WEMOS LOLIN32 development board does not have all the same GPIO as other similar ESP32 boards.


22 (GPIO22)SCL
19 (GPIO19)SDA
Pinout example for LOLIN32 paired with CJMCU-811

ESPHome example

  sda: GPIO15
  scl: GPIO2

  - platform: ccs811
      name: "CCS811 eCO2 Value"
      name: "CCS811 Total Volatile Organic Compound"
    address: 0x5A
    baseline: 0x9AB9
    update_interval: 60s

MOES IR Control Tuya (SRW-001) flashing (ESPHome, etc)

The device MOES IR Control Hub, which uses Tuya ESP8266 is no longer vulnerable to the vulnerability that tuya-convert exploits. You will need to open the device to flash it.

They are currently shipped with an TYWE3S which is an ESP8266 (as of June, 2021). You can see the pin outs for the TYWE3S at the Tasmota site.

Use a thin utility knife to open, I would recommend starting at the USB port area. There are two tabs on either side, and a few spread throughout. Once you have the device open and have connections setup you are ready to flash.

How to flash?

  1. Tie GPI0 to GND to start flash mode (when RST or power on the device, you will know you are in flash mode because the blue status LED does not come on)
  2. RX, TX, GND to your USB TTL (remember RX and TX are reversed for the USB TTL side)
  3. GND on TYWE3S is connected to the same ground plane as the rest of the board (i.e. GND on your USB TTL)
  4. Then power up via MicroUSB
  5. Flash via esptool (rev 1ca08af instead of master due to Issue #635 in esptool)
  6. Unplug everything and power up normally, and configure ESPHome as you normally would.